Encounter Documentation: A checklist for your practice

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Importance of Top-notch Encounter Documentation to Your PracticeIf the process to create documentation is not efficient, complete, or accurate for that encounter, patient care, productivity, and profitability can all suffer. Financial UncertaintyWhen medical insurance claims are submitted with incorrect or incomplete information and coding, at best it will … Read More

Return on Investment with LiveScribe

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LiveScribe, powered by ScribeMobile, is Scribe’s newest solution that can help providers see improvements in productivity, profitability, and patient care.  LiveScribe connects to Scribe’s available queue of virtual medical scribes during a patient exam, allowing for real-time capture of the patient encounter. Before any provider adopts a new … Read More

Upping the Game: Partnering Smart Technologies for Improved Chart Completion

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Many providers have made the transition to using speech recognition technology to capture patient encounters. This is a substantial time saver for providers and is much less expensive than using a scribe during the patient visit.  Anyone who has used smart phone speech recognition technology (SRT) such as … Read More

Reducing Provider Burnout

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“I don’t think most doctors get burned out by doctoring; it’s everything else that comes along with it.” Healthcare providers of all levels are finding this to be true – the overwhelming amount of administrative tasks they must do in addition to the most important work of diagnosing … Read More

The Impact on Patient Care

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When a provider’s documentation isn’t submitted correctly, it’s not an inconvenience or delay only for the provider. It can cause anxiety for patients. Here’s an example of an unfortunate error in our circle of friends – a provider submitted a claim twice, in error, resulting in the insurance … Read More

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