Make Your Mobile Device a Documentation Partner

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Over the last decade or more, mobile devices have become as common as stethoscopes for healthcare professionals. Studies indicate that most providers use their mobile devices to help them in their everyday work, and as younger providers enter the workforce that trend is likely to increase. Have you … Read More

We Can Help

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In today’s environment, we’re all spending a lot more time on our screens — Zoom calls with friends, webinars from your favorite cultural entities, ordering take out and groceries…and for many of us telehealth appointments. How can you keep up with patient encounter documentation without adding even more … Read More

Scribe Introduces the First Integrated Telehealth Documentation Solution

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Telemedicine has proven to be a vital and safe alternative to in-person provider visits June 4, 2020  Naples, FL.   As the need for telehealth technology has exploded during the current health crisis, Scribe Technology Solutions (Scribe) is bringing to market an innovative solution that will provide immediate opportunities … Read More

We’ll Be Here

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Daylight Savings Time. Coronavirus. Stock market volatility. No more college or professional basketball, or other sports. Closures everywhere. Travel restrictions. Friday the 13th.   And that’s just the “highlights.” It has been quite a week! Scribe’s staff works in a virtual environment. The vast majority of our employees work … Read More

Consistent Habits for Better Documentation

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We recently wrote about the amount of time a provider spends on documentation, with a big chunk of that time spent after hours.  What kind of changes can a provider make to change that model and have a smoother, more productive workday and find time to spend on … Read More

Do you need more quality time with your patients…or yourself?

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Studies show that healthcare providers spend more time on documentation than seeing their patients, including much time outside of the regular work day.  You probably knew that before the studies quantified it. A recent study (1) concluded that primary care physicians spent more time working in the EMR/EHR … Read More

Patient Care: Using Innovative Technology for Better Listening

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Patient Care is sometimes stifled by the presence of technology.   Patients may feel that their providers are not listening because there’s a focus on getting the data input to their computers.   When a provider isn’t glued to their screen they can: Listen to the patient’s concerns more … Read More

Reflections on Scribe’s 2019

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“Learn from yesterday,live for today,hope for tomorrow.”– Albert Einstein Now that the holidays are over and the new year started, we find value in taking time to reflect on where we’ve been and where we’re headed. ScribeMobile New features and innovative technology elevate our ScribeMobile app to a more … Read More